Bainbridge Island Pilates ,Gyrotonic, Herbal Medicine
Bainbridge Island Herbal Medicine, Herbalist, somatics, pilates
movement sessions

I invite you to come and workout with me. Expect to deepen your understanding of how your physical body works. Expect to gain insight into why you might be experiencing recurrent pain patterns, and why old injuries aren't going away. Expect to begin, from day one, to build the foundation your body needs to achieve your fitness and health goals. Expect to learn tools to help restructure your body to function more efficiently and effectively. Expect to leave feeling energized and centered.
Therapeutic movement is a crucial tool in achieving your wellness goals-- in regard to both acute and chronic pain & injury, as well as general fitness and endurance strength. Every movement session I lead is tailored specifically to my clients' needs. Since I practice several different movement techniques, I will often combine my tools to provide my clients with the most effective workouts for their specific needs.
Some folks come to me for ongoing weekly or bi-weekly workouts. Some of my students are struggling with chronic pain and injury and we work together for shorter periods of time. Regardless of what brings you in the door, if you are looking to increase strength & stamina, and improve your overall wellness while meeting all your fitness goals, I invite you to come and explore a few sessions with me to learn about the potential your body holds.
Pilates is a constantly evolving movement system designed around deep core strength which works to tone and lengthen muscles. Pilates method is recognized by doctors, chiropractors, and physical therapists as a system that assists in recovery and prevention of injury by helping the body re-learn its most efficient way of moving. This “re-learning” can decrease back and joint pain, increase range of motion, improve posture, and prevent future injury. Private sessions are offered on a variety of traditional Pilates equipment including the reformer and the cadillac.
GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® is unique movement system that works to stretch and strengthen the body, while mobilizing, energizing, and articulating the joints. The circular spiraling movements of this system help increase the functional capacity of the spine. This results in strength, length, and increased equilibrium. The movements offer similar benefits to qi gong, dance, swimming, and yoga, to create an integrated system of fluidity and control.
Exercises are performed in sync with the breath, on a state of the art piece of exercise equipment. The Pulley tower is a fully adjustable system which can meet the needs of people with varying body types and levels of strength. The even and consistent resistance of the tower completely eliminates the strain that can take place during conventional exercise equipment workouts.
With an emphasis on mobility, coordination, range of motion, and strength, GYROTONIC® exercises offer complete freedom of movement. While GYROTONIC® training is used worldwide in conditioning elite athletes and dancers, it has become a favorite movement program for people within all ranges of mobility, both young and old.
Private sessions are offered on the GYROTONIC® pulley tower, a state of the art piece of equipment designed specifically for this body of work.*
Qi Gong is the energetic foundation upon which the other branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine are based. It is the practice of gathering, circulating, and applying life force energy to promote healing and wellness. Like nerves, bones, and blood vessels, the body also contains a series of energetic pathways called "meridians”. Qi, or “life force energy” flows freely through these meridians much like blood flows through our vessels. Disruptions in this smooth flow of Qi occur throughout our lifetime as a result of poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, improper exercise, emotional and physical trauma, and environmental toxins. Qi Gong works to correct these imbalances and blockages that lead to pain and/or illness.
This work stimulates the body's healing potential by aiding in strengthening and regulating the body's internal organs, nervous system, and immune system. Each session consists of specific flowing movements that use the knowledge of the body's meridians to purge, tonify (strengthen), and balance the body's energy flow. Qi gong is easy on the joints and centering to the mind. And since no special equipment is required, it is a fantastic movement form to take home and incorporate into your healthy lifestyle routine!
Have you tried pilates, physical therapy, acupuncture, and other healing modalities, but are still struggling with your chronic issues? I invite you to learn why these modalities, on their own, haven't been providing you with the results you want.
Somatic Meridian Therapy is a somatic movement system that combines the principles of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) meridian system with fascia, muscle, and structural awareness. This therapeutic modality connects the Qi (the body's energy, as described in Traditional Chinese Medicine) with therapeutic exercise to provide a structural base for healthy movement.
Working within the construct of the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) meridian system, Somatic Meridian Therapy is the bridge between understanding your energetic body (how the energy/qi flows) and how the physical body works. By working with these two systems, rather than isolating them, you can strengthen your body from the inside out. This system is the structural base for creating a healthy life through highly functional movement.
*GYROTONIC®, GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® and GYROKINESIS®are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.