Making an Herbal Salve
Herbal Salves are awesome. From cuts, to bruises, to rashes, and everything in between, I use them almost daily. A salve with higher beeswax content will create a nice lip balm, while adding more oil makes it perfect for massage. Salves are easy and effective medicine to keep around the home, and make great gifts too!
Though there are many on the market that are incredibly effective (one of my favorites is this healing salve from herb lore… best diaper rash “cream” ever!!), making salves is easy, and is a great way to let you inner herbalist shine. And as always, feel free to contact me if you’d like some guidance in picking out the right herbs for your project.
Making a salve is three easy steps:
1. Create an infused oil.
I like pure organic olive oil, but you can really use anything. Sweet almond works nicely as well.
To infuse the oil, you will use 1part herbs:5 parts oil
a) mix the herbs and lightly moisten with a splash of high proof alcohol
b)let it sit for 1 hour
c)put the herbs and oil in a blender and blend until warm (a vitamix is great for this if you have one)
d)heat the oil and herbs is a double boiler (low heat) for anywhere between 30 min-4 hours
e) strain the oil through a nut milk bag/muslin bag/chesse cloth, etc...
2. Add the beeswax
the ratio for the beeswax is: 4 parts oil: 1 part beeswax
a) heat oil in a double boiler (low heat) and mix in beeswax
b)you can test the consistency of the salve by dipping a spoon in the salve and freezing it for a few minutes
3. Pour it into jars
a) put 2 drops lavender essential oil (optional) per 1 oz. infused oil into the bottom of your jar(s)
b) pour the hot salve into the jar(s)
c) allow to cool completely before moving the jar(s)
d) if a dip occurs in the center of the jar after cooling, top it off with more salve